
We are always forward-thinking, choosing modern and innovative approaches over outdated techniques, to offer the best in current wellness.

Infrared Sauna

Step into the soothing warmth of Novella's infrared sauna, a serene sanctuary for detoxification and relaxation that enhances your wellness narrative.

Light Therapy

Explore the spectrum of serenity with Novella's light therapy, where green, red, and blue lights rejuvenate your skin, illuminating a path to radiant well-being.


Clear Light for acne reduction and pore tightening.


Radiant & Stimulating Light to stimulate collagen and promote hair growth.


Slimming & Toning Light Therapy for body contouring.

Wellness Injections

These injections collectively provide a range of health benefits, including boosted energy levels, support for the nervous system, enhanced immune function, improved metabolism, potential weight loss support, and protection against oxidative stress to enhance your overall well-being. See further details about each injection:

B12 Injection

(Cyanocobalamin): Enhances energy and combats fatigue while supporting mental sharpness and blood health, ideal for addressing B12 deficiencies.

Vitamin D3 Injection

Strengthens bones and immunity, reducing vitamin D deficiency risks, especially in low sunlight exposure.

Vitamin C Injection

Powerful antioxidant boosting immunity and potentially enhancing skin health.

Vitamin B Complex

Boosts energy, supports nervous system health, and promotes overall wellness.

L-Carnitine Injection

Aids in fat metabolism and energy production, supporting weight management.

MIC (Methionine, Inositol, Choline) Injection

Enhances fat metabolism and liver health, assisting in weight reduction.

Glutathione Injection

Potent antioxidant for detoxification, skin brightening, anti-aging, and cellular health.

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) Injection

Assists weight loss in combination with a low-calorie diet.

Lipo-C Injections (MIC with L-Carnitine)

Combines fat metabolism enhancement with weight management support.


Novella's microneedling awakens a tale of collagen-rich rejuvenation, refining your skin's story with natural resilience.

Tattoo Removal

Transform your skin's narrative with Novella's precise tattoo removal, clearing the way for new stories to emerge.

Fractional Pico Facials

Uses precise Pico laser pulses to rejuvenate the skin–minimizing pigmentation and enhancing texture for a youthful look. Customized Based on your needs.

Carbon Facials

Carbon Facials apply a bespoke carbon-based lotion coupled with precise laser exfoliation to refine pores, address pigmentation, and enhance your complexion's natural radiance.

Intense Pulsed Light

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy, a beacon of rejuvenation, employs powerful, versatile light pulses to diminish imperfections, fostering radiant, even-toned skin while narrating a chapter of renewal in your personal beauty story.

Erbium Laser Resurfacing

Erbium Laser Resurfacing utilizes specific erbium wavelengths to delicately remove damaged skin layers, smoothing wrinkles and imperfections for a rejuvenated complexion, available for the eyes, hands, and full face.

CO2 Treatments

These injections collectively provide a range of health benefits, including boosted energy levels, support for the nervous system, enhanced immune function,improved metabolism, potential weight loss support, and protection against oxidative stress to enhance your overall well-being. See further details about each injection:

Micro Laser Peel

Micro Laser Peel meticulously removes damaged skin layers to unveil a revitalized and refreshed complexion.

Skin Resurfacing

Our Skin Resurfacing treatment employs advanced laser technology to diminish wrinkles and refine skin texture, revealing a smoother, youthful radiance.

Hand Rejuvenation

Hand Rejuvenation harnesses the power of laser therapy to gracefully diminish the signs of aging on your hands.

Intimate rejuvenation

Harmonize technology and care with Novella's discreet vaginal rejuvenation, restoring confidence and comfort in your personal story.

Injectable Treatments

Addresses specific cosmetic concerns. See further details on specific treatments:

Wrinkle Relaxers

Wrinkle Relaxers delicately relax facial muscles to soften wrinkles and fine lines, enhancing your natural expressions.


Sculptra is a transformative dermal filler that stimulates collagen production for gradual and natural volumetric enhancement.

PRP, PRF, Exosomes

Injected or topically to naturally regenerate tissue and rejuvenate your facial appearance.

HA Filler

HA Filler offers immediate, customizable enhancement with synthetic hyaluronic acid to restore volume and hydrate, ensuring a natural look with a strong safety profile.

PDO Threads

Experience a transformative lift with PDO threads at Novella, where immediate support meets natural rejuvenation for long-lasting, tailored beauty enhancements.

IPL Therapy

Novella's IPL therapy lightens and evens skin tone, fostering a chapter of renewal in your beauty story.

CO2 Laser Treatment

Meticulously resurface and refine your skin with Novella's elegant and innovative CO2 laser treatment, unveiling a new chapter in your beauty journey.

Redness and Spider Vein Therapy

Smooth and clarify your skin with Novella's targeted redness and spider vein therapy, restoring its serene narrative.